c++ - Java JNI error java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: xxxx()V -

i have had rough time jni today, want integrate openalpr java project, using precompiled binaries work when run java_test.bat file. @ first java kept on telling me not locate openalprjni added path dlls build path , system path, after started experiencing openalprjni.alpr.initialize(ljava/lang/string;ljava/lang/string;ljava/lang/string;)v according documentation means library not ok, ok since test program running, have looked @ various forums , talked author of openalpr still cannot resolve issue, there here has had similar problem me fix this? in advance.

please have in com.openalpr.jni.alpr. in line 12 find:

private native void initialize(string country, string configfile, string runtimedir); 

this method matched header com_openalpr_jni_alpr.h:

/*  * class:     com_openalpr_jni_alpr  * method:    initialize  * signature: (ljava/lang/string;ljava/lang/string;ljava/lang/string;)v  */ jniexport void jnicall java_com_openalpr_jni_alpr_initialize(jnienv *, jobject, jstring, jstring, jstring); 

you see "experiencing" method signature of initialize method returns void , takes 3 parameters of type ljava/lang/string;.

you broke examples when added workspace (check package names). please aware, *.dll using compiled against com_openalpr_jni_alpr , not jni_alpr.

i recommend learn jni concepts, here find starting point.


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