hibernate - Spring JPA - deleting child element doesn't reflect in database table -

i'm having problems deleting child element of one-to-many relationship entity. here's code snippet:

@override @transactional public void deletetask(uuid listid, uuid taskid) {     tasklist list = repo.findone(listid);      system.out.println("old list: " + list);      for(task t : list.gettasks()) {         if(t.getid().tostring().equals(taskid.tostring())) {             system.out.println(list.gettasks().remove(t));             system.out.println("task id " + taskid + " deleted.");         }     }     system.out.println("new list: " + repo.save(list)); } 

the task class this:

@entity(name = "task") public class task implements serializable {          // id , 3 fields      @manytoone     @joincolumn(name="tasklist_id")     private tasklist parentlist;      // 3 more fields      // constructor     public task() {}      //getters , setters } 

and tasklist class this:

@entity(name = "task_list") public class tasklist implements serializable {      // id , 2 fields      @onetomany(mappedby="parentlist", cascade={cascadetype.all})     private list<task> tasks;      // constructor     public tasklist() {} } 

the task entity child, , though save() function returns truncated tasklist, can't changes show in separate query database. number of tasks remains same. however, deleting list through repo.delete(listid) works fine both list , tasks gone.

here, repo repository corresponding parent tasklist class. operations child task class happen through @onetomany({cascade=cascadetype.all}) relation.

for reason, searching tasklists using repo.findall() returns faulty results.

i'm doing fundamentally wrong. please tell me do.

you need add orphanremoval = true mapping:

@onetomany(mappedby="parentlist", cascade={cascadetype.all}, orphanremoval=true)

list.gettasks().remove(t) removes entity collection, need tell jpa remove db. done orphanremoval attribute.


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