javascript - Disable onSlideChangeEnd listener -

i disabled onslidechangeend callback on swiper component.

if user clicks on arrows want execute onslidechangeend callback method, if programatically want slide particular image not want onslidechangeend called. otherwise messy listener loop situations.

how do this?

i thinking of having kind of flag. if flag set false, callback code not executed, :

    gallerytop = new swiper('.gallery-top-product-view', { //'.gallery-top'         nextbutton: '.swiper-button-next',         prevbutton: '.swiper-button-prev',         spacebetween: 10,         onslidechangeend: function (swiper) {             if(someflag)                 doit();          }     }); 

however callback object seems reference old variable value. 'someflag' seems random when use :

    someflag= true;      gallerytop.slideto(key);      someflag= false; 

am missing fundamental in how should disable listeners?

according swiper documentation ( ) can pass third param runcallbacks false prevent callbacks execution: gallerytop.slideto(key, speed, false);


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