Polymer 1.x: Data binding -
i want select states in <google-chart>
map element shown in jsbin.
when select state, expect change color (to dark teal) instead, stays same color (light grey).
follow these steps recreate problem:
- open jsbin.
- in section
, change array['alabama', 0]
['alabama', 1]
. - notice state of alabama changes color light grey dark teal.
- hover mouse on state of alabama.
- notice value of
state of alabama (and0
other states). - return value of array
['alabama', 0]
. - note previous step proves code generating geochart behaves expected when
property manually mutated. - here's trouble begins...
- click state of alabama.
- in console, notice value of
array['alabama', 1]
. - notice
(unlike case when manually changed above).
what problem here?
i'm uncertain but perhaps solution involves implementing advice?
when handling events generated
template instance, want map element firing event model data generated item.
but how 1 implement solution in case? or solution?
what solution? please show working in jsbin.
http://jsbin.com/pilotazifa/edit?html,console,output<!doctype html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <base href="https://polygit.org/components/"> <script src="webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.min.js"></script> <link href="polymer/polymer.html" rel="import"> <link href="google-chart/google-chart.html" rel="import"> </head> <body> <dom-module id="x-element"> <template> <style> google-chart { width: 100%; max-height: 300px; } </style> <button on-tap="_show">show</button> <google-chart id="geochart" type="geo" options={{options}} data={{items}} on-google-chart-select="_ongooglechartselect" ></google-chart> </template> <script> (function(){ polymer({ is: 'x-element', properties: { items: { type: array, notify: true, reflecttoattribute: true, value: function() { return [['state', 'select'], ['alabama', 0], ['alaska', 0], ['arizona', 0], ['arkansas', 0], ['california', 0], ['colorado', 0], ['connecticut', 0], ['delaware', 0], ['florida', 0], ['georgia', 0], ['hawaii', 0], ['iowa', 0], ['idaho', 0], ['illinois', 0], ['indiana', 0], ['kansas', 0], ['kentucky', 0], ['louisiana', 0], ['massachusetts', 0], ['maryland', 0], ['maine', 0], ['michigan', 0], ['minnesota', 0], ['missouri', 0], ['mississippi', 0], ['montana', 0], ['north carolina', 0], ['north dakota', 0], ['nebraska', 0], ['new hampshire', 0], ['new jersey', 0], ['new mexico', 0], ['nevada', 0], ['new york', 0], ['ohio', 0], ['oklahoma', 0], ['oregon', 0], ['pennsylvania', 0], ['rhode island', 0], ['south carolina', 0], ['south dakota', 0], ['tennessee', 0], ['texas', 0], ['utah', 0], ['virginia', 0], ['vermont', 0], ['washington', 0], ['wisconsin', 0], ['west virginia', 0], ['wyoming', 0]]; } }, options: { type: object, notify: true, reflecttoattribute: true, value: function() { return { region: 'us', displaymode: 'regions', resolution: 'provinces', legend: 'none', defaultcolor: '#f5f5f5', coloraxis: { colors: ['#f5f5f5', '#455a64'], minvalue: 0, maxvalue: 1, } } } }, }, _ongooglechartselect: function(e) { var str = e.path[0].textcontent.split('select')[0].trim(), ar = this.items, = ar.length; while(i---1){ if(str === ar[i][0]){ this.set('items.' + + '.1', ar[i][1] ? 0 : 1); } } console.log(this.items); }, _show: function() { console.log(this.items); }, }); })(); </script> </dom-module> <x-element></x-element> </body> </html>
you have add function _ongooglechartselect in end after while. generate data again , draw chart.
this.$.geochart._datatable=this.$.geochart._createdatatable(this.items); this.$.geochart._chartobject.draw( this.$.geochart._datatable, this.$.geochart.options);
and can use
this.items[i]= ...
and not
// fire event every time , think in case dont need it. this.set(...)
because google-chart ask data ajax , data not binding. solution insert data functions draw chart.
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