VBA macro that copy files from multiple subfolders -
i have vba copying images 1 folder based on image names. can check macro in work in attached. code is:
option explicit sub copyfiles() dim irow integer ' row counter. dim ssourcepath string dim sdestinationpath string dim sfiletype string dim bcontinue boolean bcontinue = true irow = 2 ' source , destination folder path. ssourcepath = "c:\users\nhatc_000\desktop\01010101\" sdestinationpath = "c:\users\nhatc_000\desktop\02020202\" sfiletype = ".jpg" ' try other file types ".pdf". ' loop through column "a" pick files. while bcontinue if len(range("a" & cstr(irow)).value) = 0 ' nothing if column blank. msgbox "images have been moved. thank you!" ' done. bcontinue = false else ' check if files exists. if len(dir(ssourcepath & range("a" & cstr(irow)).value & sfiletype)) = 0 range("b" & cstr(irow)).value = "does not exists" range("b" & cstr(irow)).font.bold = true else range("b" & cstr(irow)).value = "on hand" range("b" & cstr(irow)).font.bold = false if trim(sdestinationpath) <> "" dim objfso set objfso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") ' check if destination folder exists. if objfso.folderexists(sdestinationpath) = false msgbox sdestinationpath & " not exists" exit sub end if '***** ' here have included 2 different methods. ' have commented second method. see result of ' second method, uncomment , comment first method. ' method 1) - using "copyfile" method copy files. objfso.copyfile source:=ssourcepath & range("a" & cstr(irow)).value & _ sfiletype, destination:=sdestinationpath ' method 2) - using "movefile" method permanently move files. 'objfso.movefile source:=ssourcepath & range("b" & cstr(irow)).value & _ sfiletype, destination:=sdestinationpath '***** end if end if end if irow = irow + 1 ' increment row counter. wend end sub
however, need 2 more things add code:
- when enter name of file copied, want copy files have same name plus extension _01/_02/.../_07 if exist.
- i want macro not inside specified folder in subfolders inside folder , subfolders inside subfolder etc.
can help? thanks!
what need recursive subs find similar filenames based on range value.
here approach goal below code couple of steps:
- for each range value (stored key in dictionary), find file names (exact , similar item in dictionary). joining each finding "|" (an illegal file name character).
- process dictionary items after files , sub folders source path
- for each item in dictionary of key, see if existing file in destination folder. append " (i)" destination file name if exists.
- copy destination file destination folder.
while copying, returns
stop looping when first empty cell encountered
note: code not been tested, compiled fine
option explicit ' source , destination folder path. private const ssourcepath = "c:\users\nhatc_000\desktop\01010101\" private const sdestinationpath = "c:\users\nhatc_000\desktop\02020202\" private const sfiletype = "jpg" ' try other file types ".pdf". private const div = "|" ' character that's not legal file name private objfso object, objdict object sub copyfilesalike() dim lrow long, sname string set objfso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") if not objfso.folderexists(ssourcepath) msgbox "source folder not found!" & vbcrlf & ssourcepath, vbcritical + vbokonly goto i_am_done end if if not objfso.folderexists(sdestinationpath) msgbox "destination folder not found!" & vbcrlf & sdestinationpath, vbcritical + vbokonly goto i_am_done end if ' proceed when both source , destination folders found set objdict = createobject("scripting.dictionary") lrow = 2 until isempty(cells(lrow, "a")) ' stop on first empty cell in column lrow ' main file name sname = cells(lrow, "a").value ' files (exact , alikes sub folders) add dictionary lookforfilesalike sname, objfso.getfolder(ssourcepath) ' copy files if objdict.count = 0 cells(lrow, "b").value = "no files found." else cells(lrow, "b").value = objdict.count & " filenames(s) found." & vblf & copyfiles end if ' clear dictionary next name objdict.removeall ' increment row counter lrow = lrow + 1 loop set objdict = nothing i_am_done: set objfso = nothing end sub private sub lookforfilesalike(byval sname string, byval objfdr object) dim ofile object, ofdr object ' add files of current folder dictionary if name matches each ofile in objfdr.files if instr(1, ofile.name, sname, vbtextcompare) = 1 ' names beginning sname ' check extension match if lcase(objfso.getextensionname(ofile)) = lcase(sfiletype) if objdict.exists(ofile.name) ' append path existing entry objdict.item(ofile.name) = objdict.item(ofile.name) & div & ofile.path else ' add key , current path objdict.add ofile.name, ofile.path end if end if end if next ' recurse each sub folder each ofdr in objfdr.subfolders lookforfilesalike sname, ofdr next end sub private function copyfiles() string dim long, okeys variant, oitem variant, irepeat integer, sname string, sout string sout = "" ' process items each key in dictionary set okeys = objdict.keys ' <- add "set " before okeys = 0 objdict.count each oitem in split(objdict.item(okeys(i)), div) ' determine filename in destination path if objfso.fileexists(sdestinationpath & objfso.getfilename(oitem)) ' same file name alreay found, try append " (i)" irepeat = 0 irepeat = irepeat + 1 sname = objfso.getbasename(oitem) & " (" & irepeat & ")" & objfso.getextensionname(oitem) loop while objfso.fileexists(sdestinationpath & sname) sname = sdestinationpath & sname else ' first file copied destination folder sname = sdestinationpath end if ' copy source file destination file if len(sout) = 0 sout = oitem & div & sname else sout = sout & vblf & oitem & div & sname end if objfso.copyfile oitem, sname next next copyfiles = sout end function
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