javascript - iOS Firefox XMLHttpRequest wrong response -

i have function send xmlhttprequest retrieve json backend.

xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {     if(xhttp.readystate == 4 && xhttp.status == 200)     {         applicationutil.showloader(false);         if(handler != null)         {             alert(xhttp.responsetext);             if(xhttp.responsetext != "" && this.getresponseheader('content-type') == "application/json")             {                 handler(json.parse(xhttp.responsetext), false);             }             else             {                 handler("", true);             }         }     } }"get", "../../csp/healthshare/hsanalytics/"+ username +"&cachepassword="+ password, true); xhttp.send(null); 

now, function works 100% on browser on device, accept ios firefox. have tried going jquery route, same results:

$.ajax({       url: "../../csp/healthshare/hsanalytics/"+ username +"&cachepassword="+ password,       accepts:"application/json",       cache: false,       crossdomain: true,       datatype: "json",       username: username,       password: password,       error: function(event)       {           handler("", true);       },       success: function(data, status)       {           handler(data, false);       }  }); 

i have spent hours researching topic, have not been able find articles specific problem.

some browsers finicky when comes headers.. have tried send basic authorization? including username , password..


{ "authorization": "basic " + btoa(username + ":" + password) }, 

give go , see :)


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