java - Positioning of 3d boxes in JavaFx -

i'm beginner in javafx 3d modelling. i'm trying create 3d-model of boxes in room. have dimensions of boxes , coords front-left-bottom corner of every box. i've tried set coords settranslatex(), result isn't correct. here pice of code try set coords:

for (int = 0; < main.load.size(); i++) {         load l=main.load.get(i);         box sphere = new box(l.getlength()*10, l.getwidth()*10, l.getheight()*10);         sphere.settranslatex(l.getx()*10);         sphere.settranslatey(l.gety()*10);         sphere.settranslatez(l.getz()*10);         phongmaterial m = new phongmaterial();         m.setdiffusecolor(new color(math.random(),math.random(),math.random(),1));         m.setspecularcolor(;         sphere.setmaterial(m);         root.getchildren().add(sphere);     } 

i hope can me.

here example:

sizes: blue (30,50,50) pink (10,10,20)

position: blue (0,0,0) pink (30,0,0)

and get

when translation of javafx 3d object box need account half width of object along axis. default placement box centered @ origin meaning center of box object @ 0,0,0. width 30 * 10 translatex converts 0*10=0. right edge of blue box x=150 (300 / 2.0 = 150). pink box has translatex of 10*30=300. center of pink box translated 300 means left edge @ 300 - (width/2.0) = 300 - (50) = 250.


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