c++ - Getting clang-tidy to fix header files -

i'm in process of moving project compiling gcc clang, , have bunch of warnings gcc didn't generate (-winconsistent-missing-override). clang-tidy works fixing these errors in *.cpp files, doesn't touch hpp files because compile command wasn't found in database (as expect).

i'm using ninja build project , ninja -t compdb cc cxx > .build/compile_commands.json generate compilation database. i've tried running:

clang-tidy-3.6 -p .build/      \       $(find src/ -name *.cpp) \       $(find src/ -name *.hpp) \       --checks=misc-use-override --fix 

to fix errors. refuses touch header files complaining:

skipping .../src/header/file.hpp. compile command not found. 

i got working specifying --header-filter=src/ option. interestingly fixes ended being applied several times causing output this:

void f() override override override override override; 

i worked around running clang-tidy on each source file separately. note <build-path> specified -p must contain .clang-format configuration styling applied.

this current iteration of command:

find src/ -name '*.cpp' -exec \      clang-tidy-3.6 -p . --header-filter=src/ {}                --checks=misc-use-override --fix 


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