apache - Rewrite directory to another to stop 404 with htaccess -

a decision made rename directory on our website. have number of old url's indexed google return 404 errors.

i try , create rewrite .htaccess resolve problem. directory renamed job jobs

so example like: https://myurl.com/job/sales-manager-jobs-in-havant

to like: https://myurl.com/jobs/sales-manager-jobs-in-havant

i have rewriting in place creates these seo friendly urls single-joblisting.php?id=1

this sits in jobs directory , looks this:

options -multiviews rewriteengine on rewritebase /jobs/  rewritecond %{request_filename} !-d rewriterule ^([\w-]+)/?$ single-joblisting.php?id=$1 [l,qsa] 

i had ask above rewrite working. issue?

you can use following redirect:

redirectmatch 301 ^/job/(.+)$ /jobs/$1 

this permanently redirect

  • /job/foobar


  • /jobs/foobar


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