php - Googlemap_Location does not print the correct map -
i having issue display iframe showing google map.
<html> <head> <? $map = new googlemap_location( 'main' ); echo $map->getheaderjs(); $sql = "select ortsteil ortsteile ortid = '".$ortsteileid."'"; $res = mysql_command( $sql ); $ortsteile = mysqli_result( $res, 0, "ortsteil" ); ?> </head> <body onload="onload();"> <div> <h4>map here</h4> </div> <table> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #dddddd"> <? $googlemap = new googlemap_location( '$ortsteile' ); $googlemap->setwidth( 400 ); $googlemap->setheight( 370 ); $_coords = $googlemap->geogetcoords( $ortsteile.', liguria, italy' ); $googlemap->setcentercoords( $_coords['lon'], $_coords['lat'] ); $googlemap->printmapjs(); $googlemap->printmap( ); ?> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </body> </html>
the query correct , when inspect element on website iframe there not showing anything.
any ideas?
$googlemap = new googlemap_location( '$ortsteile' );
$googlemap = new googlemap_location($ortsteile);
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