jasper reports - Number Formatting in iReport -

can body me giving pattern number?

here problem.

i wanted display number "30.00",

eventhough had set pattern 2 decimal points not displayting result as"30.00" instead showing result "30".

and 1 note field pattern shoeing button "resetdefault". there problem button this.

can 1 please solve problem.

ireport has bad habit of not changing pattern on jrxml when open , press ok (your format default). change , change back, press ok , ready go.

ireport set pattern

if tired of ireport, can set pattern directly in jrxml:


<textfield pattern="###0.00;-###0.00">     <reportelement x="100" y="0" width="100" height="20" uuid="1fccff95-408c-4364-b003-c691fefdde62"/>     <textelement textalignment="right" verticalalignment="middle"/>     <textfieldexpression><![cdata[$f{mynumber}]]></textfieldexpression> </textfield> 


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