javascript - Multi-page Applications with Meteor/React -

i new meteor/react , trying figure out how create multi-page application. i'm getting confused how routing work. want have multiple html files that, depending on happens on one, cause 1 rendered. example,

i'm on main.html , click button -> , should cause secondary.html render on screen. hit button on secondary.html -> , directs me tertiary.html.

however, whenever launch application, html files rendered @ once (something meteor automatically guess). i've been trying work flowrouter. or advice appreciated!!

i'm getting confortable iron:router package, can see documentation here :

have on options can add visiting documentation...

but still, how implement easiest way :

router.route("/mycustomroute",function(){ this.render("/mycustomtemplate") } 

by doing this, allow application have multiples routes :) however, flowrouter option (maybe better) same "logic of code" behind :)

hope !


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