python - Django-admin-notifications error -

i request assistance in matter, using grappelli admin , trying include admin notification module via django-admin-notifications, have followed every steps in basic usage , getting error says:

templatesyntaxerror @ /admin/ notification_tag' not valid tag library: template library notification_tag not found

i getting errors {% load notification_tag %}.

i have followed directions strictly(added admin_notifications in installed apps, imported admin_notifications in urls admin_notifications.autodiscover()), doing wrong?

here's looks like(index.html of grappelli)

{% load notifications_tag %} {% extends "admin/base_site.html" %}  <!-- loading --> {% load i18n grp_tags log %}  <!-- javascripts --> {% block javascripts %}     {{ block.super }} {% endblock %}  {% error_notifications %}  <!-- coltype/bodyclass-- > {% block bodyclass %}dashboard{% endblock %} {% block content-class %}content-grid{% endblock %}  <!-- breadcrumbs --> ....

import admin_notifications .models import boom def notification():     items = boom.objects.all()     = len(items)     if a:         return "you have " + str(a) + " items in models"  admin_notifications.register(notification) 

python 2.7, django 1.8.2

in template trying load notifications_tag:

{% load notifications_tag %} 

or name of template tag file notification_tag. so, should write

{% load notification_tag %} 

whitout s.


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