mvc - How to pass multiple parameter from view to controller in .Net MVC -

i need pass 2 parameters id , date view controller side on click event. may basic question not able so.

i tried code

code <a href='/abc/details/id?=@website_id, date?=@date' class="" id="prev" >prev</a> 

and how parameter @ controller side.

i don't want use "ajax" or javascript if possible

first of either need create custom route or enable mapmvcattributeroutes in routeconfig file adding below line of code.


then in controller above defined action add below.


if want make nullable then.


your action method below.

[route("/abc/details/{id?}/{date?}")] public actionresult details(int id, string date) 

use @html.actionlink instead of hard coding links.

if wanted go custom route add above default route.

routes.maproute(                 "mycustomroute",                 "archive/{entrydate}",                 new { controller = "abc", action = "details",id  = urlparameter.optional,date =  urlparameter.optional}); 

now in view

@html.routelink("link text", "mycustomroute", new { id = yourid, date=yourdate}) 


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