php - Displaying Farsi legend and tooltip of highchart in Farsi moodle page correctly -
i use highchart in farsi(persian) moodle site. when use chart in farsi page, it's legend , tooltip show badly image in link:
use highchart in farsi moodle page farsi data
what must do??
when use highchart same data in english moodle site, chart show as: use highchart in english moodle page farsi data
part of code call highchart this:
<div id="container0" style="min-width: 400px; height: 400px; margin: 0 auto; margin-top: 2em" align="center"> </div>
my highchart code:
highcharts.setoptions({ colors: color_items_array}); var chart; $(document).ready(function() { chart = new highcharts.chart({ chart: { renderto: conta, type: type, marginright: 130, marginbottom: 25 }, title: { text: x_title, x: -20 //center }, subtitle: { text: '', x: -20 }, xaxis: { categories: student_names2 }, yaxis: { title: { text: y_title }, plotlines: [{ value: 0, width: 1, color: '#080808' }] }, tooltip: { formatter: function() { return '<b>'+ +'</b><br/>'+ this.x +': '+ this.y; } }, legend: { layout: 'vertical', align: 'right', verticalalign: 'top', x: -10, y: 100, borderwidth: 0 }, series: seris_column2 }); });
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