database - Easy way to store multiple data in Python 3 -

i pretty new python, , far haven't stumbled upon problems, until now. need data structure allows me store multi dimensional data. example, need irc bot store users , modes on channel. this:

[name][users][nicklist][modes][topic][etc] [#home][50]['nick1', 'nick2', 'nick3', 'etc'][+nt][topic here][more info] [#otherchan][10]['nick1', 'nick2', 'nick3', 'etc'][+][topic][more info] 

and need recall , edit information via channel name. been looking lists , arrays have not found convenient way accomplish this.

if there better way this, that'd great too. hope i'm explaining myself well.

it sounds want use dict object.

d = {} d['#home'] = {} d['#home']['users'] = 50 d['#home']['nicklist'] = ['nick 1', 'nick 2'] 

and on

you can retrieve values array

print d['#home']['users'] 50 


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