access two where parameters command in c# -

this how did , data type miss match, tamp integer thinking thing else (i pass integer in tamp @ stage in program). need pass though int? or problem access statement? whole block of code worked without parameter , loop.

the loop me load them in order , important doing

        (int = -100; < 100; i++)         {                           try             {       ;                 oledbcommand command = new oledbcommand();                 command.connection = connection;                 string query = "select * table1 status='" + combobox5.text + "'and tamp='" + + "'";                 command.commandtext = query;                 listbox9.items.clear();                 oledbdatareader reader = command.executereader();                 while (                 {                      listbox9.items.add(reader["description"].tostring());                 }                  //"data saved");                 connection.close();              }             catch (exception ex)             {"error " + ex); }          } 

assuming tamp defined integer in database, change

"'and tamp='" + + "'"; 


"' , tamp=" + i; 

by placing single quotes around in sql command, providing string rather integer database.

if using c# 6 or later, can use string interpolation write string in clearer manner

$"select * table1 status='{combobox5.text}' , tamp={i}" 

note not practice security perspective. should never take user input , place directly in sql command, allows users provide malicious input can e.g. delete data or tables. instead, use parameterized queries. comic linked in comments exemplifies this.


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