Query Tuning Bigquery -
i have query strange behavior because in occasions takes 120 seconds , 250 seconds. have minimize execution time can not find guide me improve runtime of queries.
the table containing information has following characteristics:
- all fields repeat
- it has 800 million records
- process 14.2 gb
the query this:
select todayinfo.client client, todayinfo.todayinfo today, todayinfo.dayagoinfo dayago, todayinfo.threedaysago threedaysago, todayinfo.weekago weekago, ( select client, sum(if( bp_time between timestamp('2016/01/01') , timestamp('2016/01/31'),1,0)) todayinfo, sum(if( bp_time between date_add(timestamp('2016/01/01'), - 1,"day") , date_add(timestamp('2016/01/31'), - 1,"day"),1,0)) dayagoinfo, sum(if( bp_time between date_add(timestamp('2016/01/01'), - 3,"day") , date_add(timestamp('2016/01/31'), - 3,"day"),1,0)) threedaysago, sum(if( bp_time between date_add(timestamp('2016/01/01'), - 8,"day") , date_add(timestamp('2016/01/31'), - 8,"day"),1,0)) weekago [dataset.table] group client ) todayinfo order today desc limit 10
there guide or tips can me optimize runtimes not query future queries?
because of way bigquery works, isn't tunable relational databases. not use indexes, , every query full scan.
that being said, need learn more why queries slow. depends lot on specifics of data. can use query plan explanation idea of bigquery spending time.
but, @pentium10 mentioned in comment, going have partition data day reduce size of scans. it's explained in more detail in this answer.
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