php - naming Laravel events, listeners and Jobs -

i have event called userwasregistered have listener called userwasregistered there intned develop job commands called:




all these jobs executed within userwasregistered event listener class.

is correct approach or should have multiple listeners userwasregistered? feel using jobs approach enabled me call "jobs" other areas in application @ different times. e.g. calling createnewbillingaccount might called if user changed details...?

i recommend change listener names that's more explicit what's happening, i'd avoid directly pairing listeners events.

we're using anemic event/listener approach, listeners pass actual task "doers" (jobs, services, name it).

this example taken real system:


    orderwaspaid::class    => [         provideaccesstoproduct::class,         startsubscription::class,         sendorderpaidnotification::class,         processpendingshipment::class,         logorderpayment::class     ], 

startsubscription listeners:

namespace app\modules\subscription\listeners;   use app\modules\order\contracts\ordereventinterface; use app\modules\subscription\services\subscriptioncreator;  class startsubscription {     /**      * @var subscriptioncreator      */     private $subscriptioncreator;      /**      * startsubscription constructor.      *      * @param subscriptioncreator $subscriptioncreator      */     public function __construct(subscriptioncreator $subscriptioncreator)     {         $this->subscriptioncreator = $subscriptioncreator;     }      /**      * creates subscription if order subscription order.      *      * @param ordereventinterface $event      */     public function handle(ordereventinterface $event)     {         $order = $event->getorder();          if (!$order->issubscription()) {             return;         }          $this->subscriptioncreator->createfromorder($order);     } } 

this way can invoke jobs/services (subscriptioncreator in example) in other areas of application.

it's possible bind listener other events well, other orderwaspaid.


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