angularjs - Ionic: Get the currently visible items in ion-content -
i have long, scrollable ion-content
area in app, filled items using collection-repeat
i need know items visible user.
i cannot use $ionicscrolldelegate.getscrollposition
calculate answer, because each item has different height (item height calculated per item).
ended calculating summed heights myself of elements, , querying translatey
value of .scroll
element, can find out item in visible part of scroll.
it's reinventing wheel, works.
when load items, call scrollmanager.setitemheights(heights)
array of item heights in pixels), , index of visible item: scrollmanager.getvisibleitemindex()
angular.module("services") .service('scrollmanager', function() { var gettranslatey, getvisibleitemindex, setitemheights, summedheights; summedheights = null; setitemheights = function(heights) { var height, sum, _i, _len; summedheights = [0]; sum = 0; (_i = 0, _len = heights.length; _i < _len; _i++) { height = heights[_i]; sum += height; summedheights.push(sum); } }; // returns style translatey of .scroll element, in pixels gettranslatey = function() { return number(document.queryselector('.scroll').style.transform.match(/,\s*(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s*/)[1]); }; getvisibleitemindex = function() { var i, y; y = -gettranslatey(); = 0; while (summedheights[i] < y) { i++; } return i; }; return { setitemheights: setitemheights, getvisibleitemindex: getvisibleitemindex }; });
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