Use Azure webjobs and queue storage to execute at a given time -

my goal push message azure queue, , have webjob handle @ given time. e.g. { message : "remember milk", time: 2016-02-10-10:10:00}

i naively dequeueing message, check timestamp, , put on queue if time has not come.

is there more idiomatic way of doing in azure world?

you can set initialvisibilitydelay:

[doesservicerequestattribute] public void addmessage(     cloudqueuemessage message,     nullable<timespan> timetolive = null,     nullable<timespan> initialvisibilitydelay = null,     queuerequestoptions options = null,     operationcontext operationcontext = null ) 

the message visible when delay timeouts:

initialvisibilitydelay type: system.nullable timespan specifying interval of time during message invisible. if null message visible immediately.



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