multithreading - C++ multi threaded scheduling application issues -
i maintaining windows mfc c++ multi threaded job scheduling application. users schedule tasks run local computer. inactive users automatically transfer tasks active users.
some jobs failing run. same jobs, not same jobs. there 2 jobs fail. have varying expected run times. both scheduled run on non-overlapping time intervals 1 another.
method creating processes:
the location of job fed following function:
int virtualgriddriver::runapplicationasprocesswithexitcode(cstring cmdline) { process_information processinformation = {0}; startupinfo startupinfo = {0}; startupinfo.cb = sizeof(startupinfo); int nstrbuffer = cmdline.getlength() + 50; //create process bool result = createprocess(null, cmdline.getbuffer(nstrbuffer), null, null, false, normal_priority_class | create_no_window, null, null, &startupinfo, &processinformation); cmdline.releasebuffer(); if (!result) { //createprocess() failed //get error system lpvoid lpmsgbuf; dword dw = getlasterror(); formatmessage(format_message_allocate_buffer | format_message_from_system | format_message_ignore_inserts, null, dw, makelangid(lang_neutral, sublang_default), (lptstr) &lpmsgbuf, 0, null); //display error cstring strerror = (lptstr) lpmsgbuf; //free resources created system localfree(lpmsgbuf); //we failed. return 1; } else { //successfully created process. wait finish. waitforsingleobject( processinformation.hprocess, infinite ); dword b; getexitcodeprocess (processinformation.hprocess, &b); //close handles. closehandle( processinformation.hprocess ); closehandle( processinformation.hthread ); int ret = int(b); //we succeeded. return ret; } }
the failed jobs return exit code 1. can identify possible issues? if not, can provide issues may consider looking more into? multithreaded issue?
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