mysql - How to insert the data if the image field is empty using php -

hi trying data title,description , image.if give title , description without adding image data should inserted database.but if trying getting error , code:

error: error while uploading

my code

$title=$_post['blog_title']; $result = str_replace(" ", "-", $title); $description=$_post['blog_description']; $name=$_files["image"]["name"]; $type=$_files["image"]["type"]; $size=$_files["image"]["size"]; $temp=$_files["image"]["tmp_name"]; $error=$_files["image"]["error"]; if($error>0) die("error while uploading"); else { if($type == "image/png" || $type == "image/jpg"|| $type == "image/jpeg" || $type == "image/svg" || $type == "image/jpe" ) { move_uploaded_file($temp,"upload/".$name); $sql=mysql_query("insert blogs(image,blog_title,blog_description)values('$name','$result','$description')"); echo "upload complete"; session_start(); header("location:blogimage.php");    } else { echo "failure"; } 

html code

<form method="post" action="blogs.php" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <div> <label for="title">title</label> <input type="text" name="blog_title" value=""> </div> <div> <label for="image">image</label> <input type="file" name="image"> </div> <div> <label for="blog_description">description</label> <textarea name="blog_description" class="text"  style="width:50%;">  </textarea> </div> <input type="submit" value="submit"/> </form> 

first of all, start session @ top of php script, this:

<?php     session_start(); ?> 

and comes issue. first use is_uploaded_file() function check whether file uploaded or not, , process form accordingly.

so code should this:

$title=$_post['blog_title']; $result = str_replace(" ", "-", $title); $description=$_post['blog_description'];  if(is_uploaded_file($_files['image']['tmp_name'])){     $name=$_files["image"]["name"];     $type=$_files["image"]["type"];     $size=$_files["image"]["size"];     $temp=$_files["image"]["tmp_name"];     $error=$_files["image"]["error"];     $ext = strtolower(pathinfo($name, pathinfo_extension));      if($error > 0){         die("error while uploading");     }else{         $permissible_extension = array("png", "jpg", "jpeg", "svg", "jpe");         if(in_array($ext, $permissible_extension)){             if(move_uploaded_file($temp,"upload/".$name)){                 $sql = mysql_query("insert blogs(image,blog_title,blog_description)values('$name','$result','$description')");                 if($sql){                     header("location:blogimage.php");                       exit();                 }else{                     echo "insertion failed";                 }             }else{                 echo "file couldn't uploaded";             }         }else{             echo "invalid format";         }     }  }else{     $sql = mysql_query("insert blogs(blog_title,blog_description)values('$result','$description')");     if($sql){         header("location:blogimage.php");           exit();     }else{         echo "insertion failed";     } } 

sidenote: don't use mysql_* functions, deprecated of php 5.5 , removed altogether in php 7.0. use mysqli or pdo instead. and why shouldn't use mysql_* functions.


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