c# - Use cs file as Web handler -

i want ascx.cs file work ashx file reason. have implemented system.web.ihttphandler , registered handler in web.config

<httphandlers> . . . <add path="*.cs" verb="*" type="namespace.classname, assembly.dll" validate="false" /> </httphandlers> 

and added following code in request filtering under system.webserver in `web.config'

<security>   <requestfiltering>     <fileextensions allowunlisted="true">       <remove fileextension=".cs" />       <add fileextension=".cs" allowed="true" />     </fileextensions>   </requestfiltering> </security> 

but when open .cs file browser, gives me error.

http error 404.3 - not found

the page requesting cannot served because of extension configuration. if page script, add handler. if file should downloaded, add mime map.

with following details

module staticfilemodule

notification executerequesthandler

handler staticfile

error code 0x80070032

requested url http://localhost:80/myclass.ascx.cs

physical path mypath

logon method anonymous

logon user anonymous

you have add separate section static files, see here iis7, web.config allow static file handler in directory /uploads of website different want, static file concept shown.


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