ruby on rails - Routing error - uninitialized constant -

i not fix in rails 3.2.12, maybe missing something.


get "home/index" root :to => "home#index" devise_for :users, :only => :omniauth_callbacks match 'users/auth/:provider/callback' => 'authentications#create' match '/auth/:provider/signout' => 'authentications#signout' 


class authenticationscontroller < applicationcontroller   ... end 


class authentication < activerecord::base   ... end 

i think should work current knowledge, there miss.

my kind question tell wrong, please.

rounting error

uninitialized constant authenticationscontroller

this message shows @ http://localhost:3000/auth/facebook/signout

rails requires file name match class name. therefore should rename app/controllers/authentication_controller.rb app/controllers/authentications_controller.rb.


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