progress bar - Update Shiny-R custom progressbar -

i use put progressbar in shiny apps using shinybs package. new version working bootstrap 3 not have option. shiny included progressbar not customizable wanted, tried remake bs 1 compatible bootstrap 3. works not manage update it.

thanks in advance this!

here exemple, nb : label , size not included in js yet.

server : (from )

server <- function(input, output,session) {  tags$script(src="shinyprogress.js"),   progressbar <- function(inputid,value = 0, label = false, color = "info", size = null,                       striped = false, active = false, vertical = false) { if (!is.null(size))   size <- match.arg(size, c("sm", "xs", "xxs")) text_value <- paste0(value, "%") if (vertical)   style <- htmltools::css(height = text_value, `min-height` = "2em") else   style <- htmltools::css(width = text_value, `min-width` = "2em") htmltools::tags$div(   class = "progress",   id=inputid,   class = if (!is.null(size)) paste0("progress-", size),   class = if (vertical) "vertical",   class = if (active) "active",   htmltools::tags$div(     class = "progress-bar",     class = paste0("progress-bar-", color),     class = if (striped) "progress-bar-striped",     style = style,     role = "progressbar",     `aria-valuenow` = value,     `aria-valuemin` = 0,     `aria-valuemax` = 100,     htmltools::tags$span(class = if (!label) "sr-only", text_value)   ) ) }       updatepb=function(session,inputid,value=null,label=null,color=null,size=null,striped=null,active=null,vertical=null) { data <- dropnulls(list(id=inputid,value=value,label=label,color=color,size=size,striped=striped,active=active,vertical=vertical)) session$sendcustommessage("updateprogress", data)   }  dropnulls=function(x) {   x[!vapply(x,is.null,fun.value=logical(1))] }    observe({input$n1 ; updatepb(session,inputid="pb1",value=input$n1)})      } 

ui :

ui <- fluidpage(   numericinput(inputid="n1", label="numeric input", value=10, min = 0, max = 100, step = 1), mainpanel(progressbar(inputid="pb1",value=10)) ) 

and add following js code www (as shinyprogress.js) :

shiny.addcustommessagehandler("updateprogress",   function(data) { $el = $("#"; if(data.hasownproperty('value')) {   $el.css('width', data.value+'%').attr('aria-valuenow', data.value); }; if(data.hasownproperty('color')) {   $el.removeclass("progress-bar-standard progress-bar-info progress-bar-success progress-bar-danger progress-bar-warning");   $el.addclass("progress-bar-"+data.color); }; if(data.hasownproperty('striped')) {   $el.toggleclass('progress-bar-striped', data.striped); }; if(data.hasownproperty('active')) {   $el.toggleclass('active',; }; if(data.hasownproperty('vertical')) {   $el.toggleclass('vertical', data.vertical); };   } ); 

edit :

i able add clarification, when js code executed, aria-valuenow , width updated in main div modification not taken account :

<div aria-valuenow="100" style="width: 100%;" id="pb1">           <div aria-valuemax="100" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuenow="0" class="progress-bar progress-bar-info" role="progressbar" style="width:0%;min-width:2em;">             <span class="sr-only">0%</span>           </div> </div> 

so solution quite easy, change level of id in function :

progressbar <- function(inputid, value=0, label=f, color="info", size=null, striped=f, active=f, vertical=f) {  stopifnot(is.numeric(value)) if (value < 0 || value > 100) stop("'value' should in range 0 100", call. = false) if (!(color %in% shinydashboard:::validcolors || color %in% shinydashboard:::validstatuses)) stop("'color' should valid status or color.", call. = false) if (!is.null(size)) size <- match.arg(size, c("sm", "xs", "xxs")) text_value <- paste0(value, "%") if (vertical) style <- htmltools::css(height = text_value, `min-height` = "2em") else style <- htmltools::css(width = text_value, `min-width` = "2em") htmltools::tags$div( class = "progress", # id=inputid, class = if (!is.null(size)) paste0("progress-", size), class = if (vertical) "vertical", class = if (active) "active", htmltools::tags$div(   id=inputid,   class = "progress-bar",   class = paste0("progress-bar-", color),   class = if (striped) "progress-bar-striped",   style = style,   role = "progressbar",   `aria-valuenow` = value,   `aria-valuemin` = 0,   `aria-valuemax` = 100,   htmltools::tags$span(class = if (!label) "sr-only", text_value) ) ) } 

i hope helpfull shiny developper add custom progressbar.


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