Google login redirect error with Azure Mobile Service Javascript client SDK -

when web client tried login google azure mobile javascript sdk, gave me error.

<html> <head>   <script src=""></script>    <script>    function signin(){          var mobileserviceclient = windowsazure.mobileserviceclient;      var client = new mobileserviceclient('', 'xxxx');      client.login("google").done(function (results) {          alert("you logged in as: " + results.userid);     }, function (err) {         alert("error: " + err);     });   }   </script>  </head>  <body>     <button onclick="signin()">click me</button> </body>  </html> 

i used sample code . if click button, got below error.

cannot /login/google?completion_type=postmessage& 

my ios application works server app, web client has problem.

any suggestions?

remember login provider google ping servers server after login.

right now, it's complaining service in azure thehome not there.

please follow guide configure google account make work mobile services:


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