nvd3.js - convert date to unix time stamp in nvd3 x-axis -

here i'm getting date 1970-01-01 default.can please me out in converting "2015-10-01" timestamp.

my date :

"date": "2015-10-01"   xaxis: {                 axislabel: 'months',                 ticks: d3.time.months,                 tickformat: function (d) {                                           return  d3.time.format('%y %b')(new date(d));                  } 

i did thing,which solved issue

x: function (d) { return  d3.time.format('%y-%m-%d').parse(d.date); },             y: function (d) { return d.trendingvalue; },            useinteractiveguideline: true,            xscale: d3.time.scale(),             xaxis: {                 axislabel: 'months',                 ticks: d3.time.months,                 tickformat: function (d) {                                         return  d3.time.format('%y-%m-%d')(new date(d));                  }             } 


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