arcgis - How to Display Show Attachment in Info Window -

i using below code display identifier popup.if click on particular point display information point in info window(popup).but if specify show attachments true not display map server have image need display info window image.

 map.on("load", mapready);          var parcelsurl = "my map server";         //map.addlayer(new arcgisdynamicmapservicelayer(parcelsurl,         //  { opacity: 20 }));          function mapready() {             map.on("click", executeidentifytask);             //create identify tasks , setup parameters              identifytask = new identifytask(parcelsurl);              identifyparams = new identifyparameters();             identifyparams.tolerance = 3;             identifyparams.returngeometry = true;             identifyparams.layerids = [0];             identifyparams.layeroption = identifyparameters.layer_option_all;             identifyparams.width = map.width;             identifyparams.height = map.height;         }          function executeidentifytask(event) {             identifyparams.geometry = event.mappoint;             identifyparams.mapextent = map.extent;              var deferred = identifytask               .execute(identifyparams)               .addcallback(function (response) {                   // response array of identify result objects                   // let's return array of features.                   return, function (result) {                       var feature = result.feature;                       var layername = result.layername;                        feature.attributes.layername = layername;                       if (layername === 'gridpoint') {                           var popuptemplate = new popuptemplate({                               title: "",                               fieldinfos: [                                 {                                     fieldname: "xx",                                     visible: true,                                     label: "xx"                                 },                                 {                                     fieldname: "yy",                                     visible: true,                                     label: "yy"                                  }                               ],                               showattachments: true                           });                           //var taxparceltemplate = new infotemplate("",                           //  "xx: ${xx} <br/> yy: ${yy} <br/> sample point number: ${sample point number} <br/> point collected: ${point collected} <br/>  major rabi crops: ${ major rabi crops} <br/> major summer crop: ${major summer crop} <br/> soil type: ${soil type} <br/> major kharif crops: ${major kharif crops}");                           feature.setinfotemplate(popuptemplate);                       }                       //else if (layername === 'grid') {                       //    console.log(feature.attributes.objectid);                       //    var buildingfootprinttemplate = new infotemplate("",                       //      "objectid: ${objectid}");                       //    feature.setinfotemplate(buildingfootprinttemplate);                       //}                        return feature;                   });               });              map.infowindow.setfeatures([deferred]);   ;         }        }); please me display attachments(image) in info window. 


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