javascript - Won't change image? -

javascript code:

function changeimage(src, imgmap) {     document.getelementbyid('screenshots').src = src;      if (imgmap != null)      {          var newmap = document.getelementbyid(imgmap);         var origin = document.getelementbyid("map1");         origin.innerhtml = newmap.innerhtml;     }     curser_normal(); }  function curser_normal() { = 'auto'; } 

html code:

<div class="centeredimage">     <img class="logo" id="screenshots" border="0" src=".\pics\test1.png" usemap="#map1"> </div>  <map id="map1">   <area shape="rect" coords="103,224,169,242" onclick="changeimage('.\pics\test2.png', 'nextpage');" onmouseover="cursor_wait();" onmouseout="curser_normal();">   <area shape="rect" coords="30,92,56,116" onclick="changeimage('.\pics\test3.png', 'anotherpage');" onmouseover="cursor_wait();" onmouseout="curser_normal();"> </map> 

the problem lies within function call. not possible give url argument now. function use following url: .pics est2.png input. can following thing:

change \:

changeimage('.\pics\test2.png', 'nextpage'); // results in: .pics   est2.png 

to /:

changeimage('./pics/test2.png', 'nextpage'); // results in: ./pics/test2.png 

in case have working


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