javascript - vimscript substitute last occurence (for opening corresponding test/spec-file) -
i wrote function, opens corresponding file me.
i have convention in coding projects, save test-files in same subfolderstructure original - tested - one.
for example:
project_dir/ |-->src/ | |-->test.js |-->test/ |-->test_spec.js
so, if editing test/test_spec.js
, call opencorrespondingfile()
src/test.js should opened , vice-versa.
now wrote following function:
function! opencorrespondingfile() let l:filename=expand('%:t') let l:path=expand('%:p') if l:path =~ "/src/" let l:correspondingfilepath = substitute(l:path, "src/", "test/", "") let l:correspondingfilepath = substitute(l:correspondingfilepath, ".js", "_spec.js", "") elseif l:path =~ "/test/" let l:correspondingfilepath = substitute(l:path, "test/", "src/", "") let l:correspondingfilepath = substitute(l:correspondingfilepath, "_spec", "", "") endif execute "only" execute "split" execute "edit " . l:correspondingfilepath execute "wincmd j" execute "edit " . l:path endfunction :nnoremap <leader>oc :call opencorrespondingfile()<cr>
the problem is, if have path test/ or src/ more 1 time in it, wrong part of path substituted.
so need know, how can substitute last occurrence of pattern.
let l:correspondingfilepath = substitute_last_occurrence(l:path, "src/", "test/", "")
thx in advance!
update: reafactored function
function! opencorrespondingfile() let filename=expand('%:t') let path=expand('%:p') if path =~ '/src/' let correspondingfilepath = substitute(path, '.*\zssrc/', 'test/', '') let correspondingfilepath = substitute(correspondingfilepath, '.js', '_spec.js', '') elseif path =~ '/test/' let correspondingfilepath = substitute(path, '.*\zstest/', 'src/', '') let correspondingfilepath = substitute(correspondingfilepath, '_spec', '', '') endif execute "split " . correspondingfilepath endfunction :nnoremap <leader>oc :call opencorrespondingfile()<cr>
search '.*\zssrc/'
consume everything,- and
mark start of match.
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