java - The method sipHash24() is undefined for the type Hashing -

i trying use siphash24() hashing function google guava, , gave following error,

the method siphash24() undefined type hashing

i have included guava dependency in pom.xml

<dependency>       <groupid></groupid>       <artifactid>guava</artifactid>       <version>19.0</version> </dependency> 

i tried include siphash24() in following way -

hasher metahash = hashing.siphash24().newhasher(); 

instead of siphash24(), other hashes such murmur3_128() or md5 allowed, want use siphash24() only 64 bit hash in given list.

i able use siphash in project of mine, built project using gradle.

sounds have 2 versions of guava on classpath, 1 hashing.siphash24() (>= guava 15.0) , 1 without (< guava 14.0).


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