When does MongoDB Fetch results in java driver -

mongoclient mc=new mongoclient(); mongodatabase mdb=mc.getdatabase("testdb"); mongocollection mcol=mdb.getcollection("testcol"); finditerable<document> fi=mcol.find();  mongocursor<document> mcur=fi.iterator(); mongocursor<document> mcur2=fi.iterator(); 

will mcur , mcur2 have same results time reference of finditerable fi.

in step of above code mongodb results inside mongocursor or finditerable step?

mcol.find() point results obtained, .find() pull documents collection "testcol".

you don't need use finditerable object ordinary list<basicdbobject> work.

then can iterate through using:

 for(dbobject obj : objlist) {      //perform operations      string name = (string) obj.get("nameoffield");  } 

hope helps.


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