postgresql condition column name = data -

i have 3 tables.

table  | uid | name    | number |   |-----+---------+--------|  | 1   | table   | 1      |  | 2   | chair   | 2      |  table b  | uid | name    | number |   |-----+---------+--------|  | 1   | john    | 1      |  | 2   | billy   | 0      |  | 3   | bob     | 2      |  | 4   | sally   | 1      |  table c   | uid | table | john    | billy  | bob  | sally |   |-----+---------+--------+--------+-------|-------|  | 1   | table   |    t   |        |       |  t    |  | 2   | chair   |        |        |   c   |       | 

what need able @ column names in table c, find corresponding row entry in table b , if numbers same numbers table a, set table c value t. otherwise set c. needs triggered whenever either table or table b updated.

how can write update table using if or case statement. thanks.


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