xcode - iOS UIStackView unable to simultaneously satisfy constraints if set hidden -

i have problem referring uistackview. created stackview , added few items bundled stackviews it. want animate inner stackviews hidden attribute switch between different objects. call stackview.hidden in code in viewdidload hiding stackview items in it. codes seems work in simulator, throws error:

unable simultaneously satisfy constraints.     @ least 1 of constraints in following list 1 don't want.      try this:          (1) @ each constraint , try figure out don't expect;          (2) find code added unwanted constraint or constraints , fix it.  (     "<nslayoutconstraint:0x7fd29d00b460 'uisv-canvas-connection' uistackview:0x7fd29acdb3b0.top == uistackview:0x7fd29acdc120.top>",     "<nslayoutconstraint:0x7fd29d00b5a0 'uisv-canvas-connection' v:[uislider:0x7fd29accb620]-(0)-|   (names: '|':uistackview:0x7fd29acdb3b0 )>",     "<nslayoutconstraint:0x7fd29d00f8d0 'uisv-hiding' v:[uistackview:0x7fd29acdb3b0(0)]>",     "<nslayoutconstraint:0x7fd29d00b9a0 'uisv-spacing' v:[uistackview:0x7fd29acdc120]-(10)-[uislider:0x7fd29accb620]>" )  attempt recover breaking constraint  <nslayoutconstraint:0x7fd29d00b9a0 'uisv-spacing' v:[uistackview:0x7fd29acdc120]-(10)-[uislider:0x7fd29accb620]> 

i identified problem inside inner stackview spacing. if switch spacing 0, problem disappears. don't want miss spacing. think option hide every single object inside inner stackview, that's enormous effort , it's more simple hide stackview. there idea how fix problem?

thanks help!

just future reference: have had happen when wanted hide uistackview. suggest putting uistackview wish hide in uistackview with distribution set fill not fill proportionally


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