objective c - 'sizeWithFont:constrainedToSize:lineBreakMode:' is deprecated: first deprecated in iOS 7.0 - Use -boundingRectWithSize:options:attributes:context: -

my app old. now, want update latest ios. deployment target 6.0 when change deployment target 6.0 7.1. app throws many warnings. , 1 of them :

'sizewithfont:constrainedtosize:linebreakmode:' deprecated: first deprecated in ios 7.0 - use -boundingrectwithsize:options:attributes:context:

the warning occur in line:

cgsize expectedlength = [str sizewithfont:str.font constrainedtosize:max linebreakmode:str.linebreakmode];   

i try code. don't know how add line break mode. please check:

cgsize mysize = [str sizewithattributes:@{nsfontattributename: str.font}]; 

i checked in stackoverflow. not satisfied checked answers because of linebreakmode.
may missed of answers. tell me stackoverflow link me.

thanks in advance.

thanks of you. of questions solved problem @ last. here code replace old code :

    cgsize max = cgsizemake(str.frame.size.width, 500);     cgrect expected1 = [str boundingrectwithsize:max options:nsstringdrawinguseslinefragmentorigin       attributes:@{nsfontattributename: str.font } context:nil];     cgsize expected = expected1.size;     nslog(@"expected %@",nsstringfromcgsize(expected)); 


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