c# - Selectedindexchanged does not show in the Web -

i have dropdownlist

whenever data selected ddl, autofills textboxes specified.

it values not show in web.

here asp.net

<table class="col-lg-12" align="center" width="900">    <tr>      <td align="center" class="style2" valign="middle">           name       </td>       <td align="center" class="style4" valign="middle">          productid       </td>      <td align="center" class="style4" valign="middle">          price      </td>       <td align="center" class="style4" valign="middle">          quantity       </td>    </tr>   <itemtemplate>  <tr>   <td class="style3">     <asp:dropdownlist id="ddlname" runat="server" class="form-control"                      autopostback="true"          onselectedindexchanged="ddlname_selectedindexchanged" width="200px">    </asp:dropdownlist>   </td>       <td class="style5">     <asp:label id="lbid" runat="server" width="200px"></asp:label>     </td>     <td class="style5">     <asp:label id="lbprice" runat="server" width="200px"></asp:label>     </td>    <td class="style5">     <asp:textbox id="quantity" runat="server" width="200px"></asp:textbox>     </td>      <td>     <asp:button id="addproduct" runat="server" style="color:white"          text="add product" width="200px" onclick="addproduct_click" /></td>   </tr> </itemtemplate> 

ddlselectedindexchanged codes

protected void ddlname_selectedindexchanged(object sender, eventargs e)     {         string name = ddlname.selecteditem.value;         con.open();         sqlcommand cmd = new sqlcommand();         cmd.connection = con;         cmd.commandtext = "select name, productid, price products name=@name";         cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@name", ddlname.selectedvalue);         sqldatareader dr = cmd.executereader();         if (dr.hasrows)         {             dr.read();              int32 lbid = dr.getint32(1);             decimal lbprice = dr.getdecimal(2);         }      } 

it doesn't fill textboxes. sorry low profile question. huhuhu help

i believe should assign labels instead:

lbid.text = dr.getint32(1).tostring(); lbprice.text = dr.getdecimal(2).tostring(); 

alternatively recommend looking detailsview control more elegant, , easier in cases, solution: detailsvew web server control


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