java - :app:compileDebugUnitTestJavaWithJavac FAILED Android Studio -

i have searched degree on stack overflow etc try find answer question. have far been unable find solution works specific problem.

up until 5th of february, when ran command:

.\gradlew test 

the command complete , build successful. today (7th), pulled changes teams remote repo. when ran command below output:

:app:prebuild up-to-date :app:predebugbuild up-to-date :app:checkdebugmanifest :app:prereleasebuild up-to-date :app:preparecomandroidsupportappcompatv72311library up-to-date :app:preparecomandroidsupportdesign2311library up-to-date :app:preparecomandroidsupportrecyclerviewv72311library up-to-date :app:preparecomandroidsupportsupportv42311library up-to-date :app:preparecomjourneyappszxingandroidembedded310library up-to-date :app:preparedebugdependencies :app:compiledebugaidl up-to-date :app:compiledebugrenderscript up-to-date :app:generatedebugbuildconfig up-to-date :app:generatedebugassets up-to-date :app:mergedebugassets up-to-date :app:generatedebugresvalues up-to-date :app:generatedebugresources up-to-date :app:mergedebugresources up-to-date :app:processdebugmanifest up-to-date :app:processdebugresources up-to-date :app:generatedebugsources up-to-date :app:compiledebugjavawithjavac up-to-date :app:predebugunittestbuild up-to-date :app:preparedebugunittestdependencies :app:compiledebugunittestjavawithjavac failed  build failed  total time: 5.804 secs 

i created new branch see if figure out commit causing issue, however, when checked out commit knew did not contain issues (the commit had been at) , attempted run command similar output.

similarly used able right click on test file , select "run" , test run.

now when attempt same thing following output:

!!! junit version 3.8 or later expected:  java.lang.runtimeexception: stub! @ junit.runner.basetestrunner.<init>( @ junit.textui.testrunner.<init>( @ junit.textui.testrunner.<init>( @ junit.textui.testrunner.<init>( @ com.intellij.rt.execution.junit.junitstarter.junitversionchecks( @ com.intellij.rt.execution.junit.junitstarter.canworkwithjunitversion( @ com.intellij.rt.execution.junit.junitstarter.main( @ sun.reflect.nativemethodaccessorimpl.invoke0(native method) @ sun.reflect.nativemethodaccessorimpl.invoke( @ sun.reflect.delegatingmethodaccessorimpl.invoke( @ java.lang.reflect.method.invoke( @ com.intellij.rt.execution.application.appmain.main(  process finished exit code -3 

now must select file , select "run..." run tile. run tests successfully.

i have attempted ususal build, clean restart computer etc. have attempted create java_home , android_java_home environment variable (under recommendation of similar questions).

since time thing sticks out me there java update. suspect may cause not certain.

i appreciate , can provide more details required.



for more context here more of output .\gradlew test

* went wrong: execution failed task ':app:compiledebugunittestjavawithjavac'. > not find tools.jar 

hopefully gives better context.


problem solved uninstalling both java , android studio , reinstalling them.

i believe there path hidden somewhere in android studio unable change took reinstall me prompted select.


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