web api2 - AngularJs elements flicker -

i'm having difficulties making ng-cloak work. i've tried on page: ng-cloak

i have ui-view containing 2 divs. divs mutually exclusive. want show 1 of them. i'm trying control using ng-show / ng-hide pair.

  <div ng-controller="app.overviewcontroller" ng-cloak>                <div name="a" ng-show="isfirst">                      ...content        </div>         <div name="b" ng-hide="isfirst">                      ...content        </div>    </div> 

"isfirst" being set call webapi method, in controller attached view. have hard time figuring out if i'm missing something. tips appreciated.

as stated here have use ngcloak either attribute or class

here 2 approaches.

<div name="a" ng-cloak>...</div> <div name="a" class="ng-cloak">...</div> 


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