c# - How to access network path if any space available in path -

my network path

// snaps/dms/dh2304139/dh2304139_1_2_635023304446654623.jpg 

now tried below not worked

string imagepath = "// snaps/dms/dh2304139/dh2304139_1_2_635023304446654623.jpg";  imagepath = "@"+"'" + imagepath +"'"  ; 

the unc format network file path is:

string imagepath = @"\\\karomi snaps\dms\dh2304139\dh2304139_1_2_635023304446654623.jpg"; 

i've added @ avoid first 2 \ being escaped. space shouldn't cause issue, assuming account app / site running under has permission connect share. shouldn't need wrap in single quotes.


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