iphone - how can i make this view in objective c -

i want make type of view in app . enter image description here

where show user list , user can select them after user can recommend on text view facebook ,can 1 suggest me or example . in advance

that's pretty simple. having view controller containing 2 view embedded in uinavigation controller maintain stack of pushed viewcontrollers in it. first view above view containing static text "to", image freinds , disclosure indicator "that arrow sign."

than contain 2nd view lies directly below first view. containing uiimageview contains user profile picture , uitextview contain following text "what's on mind." of gray color.

further have implement delegate method of uitextview

- (bool)textview:(uitextview *)textview shouldchangetextinrange:(nsrange)range  replacementtext:(nsstring *)text 

it out in changing color gray black when user start writing , here set "what's on mind" when user clear textview.

on pressing arrow button push viewcontroller containing uitableview list of friends.

[self.navigationcontroller pushviewcontroller:tableviewcontroller animated:yes]; 


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