vb.net - Make a label or button behave as a checkbox? -

i want code when click label changes boolean true, if false , false if true. , can loop, checkbox.

private sub label3_click(sender system.object, e system.eventargs) handles label3.click     dim clickedlabel = trycast(sender, label)     if bool1 = true         if clickedlabel isnot nothing             bool1 = false     end if     if bool1 = false         if clickedlabel isnot nothing             bool1 = true     end if 

is there way this?

sure, handle click event of label.

public class form1      private _mybool boolean      private sub label1_click(sender object, e eventargs) handles label1.click         _mybool = not _mybool         label1.text = iif(_mybool, "mybool true", "mybool false")     end sub end class 

using not operator easy way toggle boolean value - whatever was, not operator flip it. otherwise, problem code have missing end if statements if bool1 = ... sections.


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