c# - How to get the type that a DependencyProperty uses for its value in Silverlight? -

i want check type of dependencyproperty , in wpf following:

dependencyproperty property = ...; var typeasstring = property.propertytype.name; 

as propertytype only available in wpf.

i wondering if there way of achieving in silverlight.

i think might worth you. how dependencyproperty name in silverlight?

you have use reflection:

     public static dependencyproperty getdependencyproperty(type type, string name)  {      fieldinfo fieldinfo = type.getfield(name, bindingflags.public | bindingflags.static);      return (fieldinfo != null) ? (dependencyproperty)fieldinfo.getvalue(null) : null;  } 

as seen in answer usage is:

 var dp = getdependencyproperty(typeof(textbox), "textproperty"); 



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