Wordpress responsiveness and content for mobile -

i trying set own wordpress website , have couple of questions.

at moment show background video on homepage. wondering if possible replace video image slideshow on mobile view?

also, how can show different content on desktop/mobile view?

thanks in advance!

this can achieved using media queries.

so example say:

@media (max-width: 800px) {     #video-div {display:none;}     #slideshow-div  {display:block;}  } 

the code above means video not display unless width of browser window equal or more 800px.

@media (min-width: 800px) {     #slideshow-div {display:none;}     #video-div {display:block;} } 

this code saying long screen more 800px wide, slideshow not appear.

you can play around px amount , have many different media queries.


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