ios - Using Modal View Controller with UITabBarController and UINavigationBar -

my application embedded within uitabbarcontroller , has 4 tabs. 3 of 4 tabs embedded within uinavigationcontrollers , other not.

i have found if viewcontroller has navigationbar , using present view controller modally when segueing, , presenting controller has define contextselected modal view appears underneath both navigationbar , uitabbar. if define contextis not selected modal view displayed above uinavigationbar still underneath uitabbar. so,

enter image description here

the problem here because modal view controller presented underneath uitabbar user can still access uitabbar , change tabs before dismissing results in black screen.

however if presenting view controller has not got uinavigationbar , has not got define context selected modal view controller take whole view , displayed above uitabbar. means user cannot switch tabs before dismissing modal view. intended effect after, how can achieve when using uinavigationbar user cannot switch tabs ?

if you've created segue in storyboard, select segue modal want presented on everything, , set presentation attribute over full screen:

attributes of segue

if you're presenting modal programmatically, assuming named view present yourmodal set modalpresentationstyle such:

yourmodal.modalpresentationstyle = .overfullscreen 


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