Windows 10 mobile - Unable to deploy project to device -

we've got windows phone silverlight 8.1 project need debug on windows 10 mobile device. when attempt deploy device following errors:

'install failed. please contact software vendor'

and popup message:

'a specified communication resource in use application'

we've tried:

  • multiple windows 10 mobile devices (one bought windows 10 installed, , 1 we've updated 8.1)
  • deploying 2 different development machines (same error produced)
  • deleting previous versions of app installed on device
  • updating visual studio latest version latest windows 10 sdk , emulators
  • both development machine , windows 10 mobile devices have 'developer mode' enabled in 'for developers' settings panel

the app deploys , runs fine on windows phone 8.1, , emulators running windows phone 8.1 & 10.

we problem deploying physical device.

edit: actually, after installing more emulators, app in fact not run on windows 10 mobile emulators.

the app runs fine on: emulator 720p 5 inch 1gb

but not run on: mobile emulator 10.0.10586.0 qhd 5.2 inch 3gb

if else having issue deploying windows 10 mobile, check version number in wmappmanifest.

our project version numbers set our build server, means had in project itself.

this fine on windows phone 8, on windows 10 mobile... nope, won't deploy!


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