ActiveMQ - how to deal with producer is closed -

the following code creates consumer , registers queue:

pooledconnectionfactory factory = new pooledconnectionfactory(broker_url); connection connection = factory.createconnection(); session session = connection.createsession(false, session.auto_acknowledge); destination destqueue = new activemqqueue(queue); producer producer = session.createproducer(destqueue); 

the problem 'producer closed' exception:

javax.jms.illegalstateexception: producer closed         @ org.apache.activemq.activemqmessageproducer.checkclosed(         @ org.apache.activemq.activemqmessageproducer.getdestination(         @ org.apache.activemq.jms.pool.pooledproducer.<init>(         @ org.apache.activemq.jms.pool.pooledsession.createproducer( 

restarting application reestablishes connection , messages drained correctly. there way check if producer has been closed , refresh connection?


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