javascript - Index not working in angular JS -

im trying values onchange in fileupload use in controller.

  <span id="ind">{{$index}}</span>   <input id="photopicker" type="file" accept="image/*" capture="camera" title="{{}}" alt="{{$index}}" onchange="angular.element(this).scope().file_changed(this)" /></div> 

here,in span ind cant able row index. when use in alt not working. can able title too. in alt shows zero.

 $scope.file_changed = function (element) {     debugger;      var filesselected = element.files;     var jobdetailid = element.title; //working     var index = element.alt; //not working    }; 

kindly me!

my guess angular give files attribute because input of type file. should use angular.attr() others attribute, see

by way think :


can rewritten :


you might consider using module :


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