c# - How can I assign a Dictionary to a combobox's Items (Display and Value Members)? -

i know how assign values query listbox's display , value members:

using (sqlconnection con = new sqlconnection(reportrunnerconstsandutils.cpsconnstr)) {     using (sqlcommand cmd = new sqlcommand(reportrunnerconstsandutils.selectunitsquery, con))     {         cmd.commandtype = commandtype.text;         using (sqldataadapter sda = new sqldataadapter(cmd))         {             datatable dt = new datatable();             sda.fill(dt);             ((listbox)checkedlistboxunits).datasource = dt;             ((listbox)checkedlistboxunits).displaymember = "unit";             ((listbox)checkedlistboxunits).valuemember = "unit";         }     } } 

...and how assign single value combobox so:

list<string> schedulableweeks = platypusutils.getweekbeginnings(weeks_count).tolist(); bindingsource bs = new bindingsource(); bs.datasource = schedulableweeks; comboboxweektoschedule.datasource = bs; 

...but how can assign dictionary combo box, string value of dictionary display value, , datetime valuemember? tried this:

dictionary<string, datetime> schedulableweeks =      platypusutils.getweekbeginningsdict(weeks_to_offer_count); bindingsource bs = new bindingsource(); bs.datasource = schedulableweeks; comboboxweektoschedule.datasource = bs; comboboxweektoschedule.displaymember = schedulableweeks[0]; comboboxweektoschedule.valuemember = schedulableweeks[1]; 

...thinking access string via dictionary element 0, , datetime via element 1, doesn't compile ("argument 1: cannot convert 'int' 'string'") - same err msg both lines.

try setting key , value combobox below:

comboboxweektoschedule.displaymember = "key"; comboboxweektoschedule.valuemember = "value"; 


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