javascript - Google Maps Api using Math.random to get random location - JS -

i having trouble getting map go random location. want go random location between bounds (lat -85 85, lng -180 180). whenever button clicked function makes map grey.

function random(lat, lng){ var random = new google.maps.latlng((math.random()-85)*85+, (math.random()-180)*180)); map.panto(random); } 

var random = new google.maps.latlng( (math.random()*(85*2)-85), (math.random()*(180*2)-180) ); 

try this, or more generally:

function randombetween(min, max) { if (min < 0) {     return min + math.random() * (math.abs(min)+max); }else {     return min + math.random() * max; }} 


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